What is TestDaF?

TestDaF - "Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Test of German as a Foreign Language" is a language test suitable for learners of German at an advanced level of language proficiency who would like to study or work in Germany.

TestDaF is a standardised language test assessing linguistic performance within the context of university life. TestDaF is administered by a worldwide net of licensed test centres and thus can be taken in the candidate’s home country. The test papers are compiled at the TestDaF Institute and are subject to a centralised evaluation procedure.


General Information about TestDaF

The TestDaF provides universally recognised proof of the language skills required for admission to any German university.


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E-Mail: kontakt@studyon.de

Ioannis Vatalis, M.A.


Studyon Institut

Immermannstraße 19

40210 Düsseldorf



Tel.:   +49 (0) 211 390 218 95  


Studyon Institut

Münsterstr. 497

40472 Düsseldorf


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